From what I've seen, the low-temp units use a resistive heating strip ... maybe you are looking at upscale models and they have something other than a resistive strip? The units without the extra heating strip often like to run defrost cycl…
Both boards connecting to bt really messed things up. Pulled the second board and put the sure ab32361 in its place. No eq on the mid/tweet and crossing the sd215 around 68hz @12db. Seems too low but sounds pretty good. I'll connect the pc and d…
@Ed_Perkins. It looks like both kabd have the same bluetooth connection. Both connect or nothing. Looks like I'll have to go another route with the second amp.
Anything around 40mph and the water turns from liquid to solid. We always saved barefooting till late in the day because when we crashed, it hurt so bad the day was pretty much over.
Installed 4Senville mini-splits in the past couple years. 28seer ($1100)&26seer($1k). For cooling they are as efficient as our geotherm heat pump and in the shoulder seasons they heat efficiently, but when outdoor temps drop to real winter tim…
SigmaStudio is kool.
Modified a basic Dayton 2 channel design. Think this is everything needed to crossover to the mid/tweet and correct anomalies. If woofer phase adjustment is needed, their looks to be a fairly complicated way of using Hilbert …
The nd91 are sealed in ~2L. They really want ported but to many holes in an already busy box and the sd215 easily plays high enough to meet them wherever needed.
The sd215 wound up with ~13L/.45ft³ tuned to 45hz with 2 1.25"x6.15" ports.…
Measured around 1 meter ... more or less. Wondering if the squiggles below ~1k are from interactions due to the short distance between drivers?
My old Grado sr60 and boy's Sennheiser hd6xx have a totally different presentation. I think his hd6xx are bass heavy to the point of being loose, the mids recessed, and the very top tipped up. He thinks my Grado were all middy and harsh treble. T…
That Chinese chilly sauce, lower left corner, is really good in breakfast stuff that has eggs, although, we've only found one really good brand that doesn't go overboard on the salt.
Darn. Thought I already replied. The plain kabd-230 2x30w, not v4. They have line inputs and outputs. Any idea where in the programming to shut off the other board's bt? Using SigmaStudio.
Actually on topic, but didn't want to start another thread for one question.
Unibox, when using 2 ports: how is port length reported? 2ports @3.18cm/1.25"id. Are both ports 3.18x15.5 or?
This is with [email protected]/1.25"…
My bad, kabd 230. It shows to have a pair of line outs that can be controlled with its dsp. Didn't see anything about linking boards in the manual or what to do with bluetooth wjhen using multiples. Hoping to use the other kabd230 for the…
I have two of the kab230 2x30 watt. It has 2line level outputs that can be programed with a crossover/dsp. Can one kab230 feed another kab230, or will the redundant bluetooth and dsp mess things up, even if they are not needed?
Ken, it's for a bluetooth work radio. nd91/nd16fa with a dayton kabd 2x30watt amp. Decent drivers but nothing fancy cause there's an excellent chance it's going to get beat to $hit or possibly even disintegrate if it hits the floor after falling of…
That first one is way too pretty for a boombox I'm gonna drag around work. Have the w5-1138 in the cart but thought I'd try to recycle something first plus it's still a little too nice for the jobsite.