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My Test Tones

I have finally put my various basic test tones together in one folder on my One Drive. 

  1. 30hz10sec
  2. 40hz10sec
  3. 50hz10sec
  4. 60hz10sec
  5. 70hz10sec
  6. 80hz10sec
  7. 40hz10min
  8. 80hz10min
  9. 1kHz10min
  10. 5kHz10min
  11. Pink30sec
  12. Pink30sec_Left Channel
  13. Pink30sec_Right Channel
  14. Pink30sec_Right Channel Out Of Phase
  15. Pink30sec_24db Null 2kHz
  16. 20hz to 20kHz Linear Chirp
  17. 20hz to 20kHz Logarithmic Chirp
Tracks 1-6 I use for chuff testing primarily, tracks seven and eight I use for breaking in large and small woofers respectively, nine and ten I use for breaking in large and small tweeters respectively, eleven in fairly obvious, twelve and thirteen are to demonstrate the differences resulting from boundaries in the room, fourteen and fifteen are basically a crossover wiring test (the 24db null is only meant to approximate a tweeter out of phase - it is not an exact simulation), and sixteen and seventeen are two different styles of whooooooops. 

One really good test is to play the pink noise through some headphones and then on your main listening system. It can help you track down and mitigate unpleasant reflections. 

Download here:!AlHuPRQmBiX2gpkvcf4AgHzabiYlqg

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