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Drum Mix Test - Feedback Requested . . . .



  • I have more stuff but it is pretty brutal. I do have some stuff that isn't, but it is just me trying to learn songs, so the performance isn't great.

  • edited July 1

    Don't be bashful - you think my performance was great? (I don't but it didn't suck too badly).
    I'm trying to get a mix that works right now but I have to play something and share it to get feedback so I can use it to do better work later - I do this for myself/entertainment/challenge/something to talk about.

    Leave us off the brutal list, please - I grew up in the soft 70's . . . ;)

  • More brutal than this?

    This album has to be listened to from start to finish. It's a lot like an audible movie with no picture except what your imagination shows you. What a masterpiece!

  • Thanks a lot (not) Ben!

  • edited July 1

    Now clean your mind of those ^ Demons and check out my Wizards from my past and the Album called "Demons and Wizards" -->

    Big generational differences . . . each to his own. ;)

  • @Wolf said:
    More brutal than this?

    This album has to be listened to from start to finish. It's a lot like an audible movie with no picture except what your imagination shows you. What a masterpiece!

    Yes, much more brutal! LOL!

  • @Steve_Lee said:
    Now clean your mind of those ^ Demons and check out my Wizards from my past and the Album called Deamons and Wizards -->

    Big generational differences . . . each to his own. ;)

    Hey I love other stuff too. Especially rock from the late 60s through early 80's. I also like Jazz, Blues, Funk etc.

    Uriah Heep is awesome too!

  • OK, here is some stuff my brother and I are working on. softer stuff, lol! We are getting old and can't do the Death Metal stuff anymore.

    performance is not the best. Pretty sure we were drunk jammin.

  • Thank you Steve for letting me highjack your thread! LOL! Sorry....

  • Cannibal/Cradle type stuff....

  • Just so you know, Steve, I am 54. I grew up listening to stuff from the 60's and 70's.

  • @Analogkid455 said:
    Just so you know, Steve, I am 54. I grew up listening to stuff from the 60's and 70's.

    I'm 10 years ahead but understand - the physiology differences affect the mind more than you yet know - those early years of the 50's, 60's, and 70's and much of the 80's with its attendant technology leaps afforded mankind some of the best musicians and inspired song writing talents we have heard since the times of Mozart, Bach, Brahms, etc . . . and we have all of that past perfection at our fingertips to listen too without ever leaving our homes.

    This is a wonderful time to be alive.

  • I'm only 46. I like a lot of different music though, so carry on, drummer dudes! Beat stuff with sticks, mallets, bang a gong, whatever strike is your fancy....

  • @Analogkid455 said:
    Thank you Steve for letting me highjack your thread! LOL! Sorry....

    You were formally invited to contribute so there is no way you could possibly high-jack the thread with your drum-mix-related contributions which are absolutely related to the subject matter of this discussion board due to the fact that I [we?] built our studio monitors and playback systems based upon information gathered and shared on this board.



  • @Steve_Lee said:

    @Analogkid455 said:
    Just so you know, Steve, I am 54. I grew up listening to stuff from the 60's and 70's.

    I'm 10 years ahead but understand - the physiology differences affect the mind more than you yet know - those early years of the 50's, 60's, and 70's and much of the 80's with its attendant technology leaps afforded mankind some of the best musicians and inspired song writing talents we have heard since the times of Mozart, Bach, Brahms, etc . . . and we have all of that past perfection at our fingertips to listen too without ever leaving our homes.

    This is a wonderful time to be alive.

    I agree.

    I also played in a Country band, which I hate Country music, but also a Blues/Rock band which I love!
    I can give you a link for that band if you want. One of my favorite bands i was in. Fun stuff. I recorded that with an 8 track ADAT recorder. Amazing how well it turned out in 1999.

  • Oh, also, have a video of us playing with a drum solo. You might like that.

  • Definitely not a fan of mouth breathing country music but some of that stuff is more tolerable than most of it - just sounds like ignorant people in a cluster I need to avoid. If I were to set up a bunch of musicians to gather here outdoors to play/practice the local inbred hillbilly population would just show up uninvited, get drunk, fight and trash the place and think nothing of it afterwards. I love living in the country but really do not enjoy the surrounding locals of small/egotistical/crustacean minds.

    I have always admired Jazz drummers and keep trying to emulate their licks but as I have aged I have found my mental and physical abilities to have waned significantly and some of that is for the better because instead of trying to fill the entire void in a rhythm track with flashy drumming/rolls I now hit the high spots with less fill-in and that means I hit those high/important spots with better timing/less mistakes and 1/2 of the battle with recording is learning how to recover from mistakes and keep going with the recording.

    My buddy (Danno), Like you had an ADAT and a Fostex 16 Channel Reel-to-Reel while I inherited his old TASCAM 8 track Reel-to-Reel tape machine striped with a SMPTE timing track so I could record drums at home some 80 miles away and visit him every weekend and sync/chase the two tape machines to "download" my drums to his tape - I won't torment you with the audio results as the only remaining evidence of all that effort was archived to HDD off of some old cassette tapes from the stereo bus mix . . . =)

  • See! You guys had it so good! You could get stable video of your party jams in your day while none of the affordable camera systems we had could tolerate the SPL of the room because the Hi-8 Video camera's optical systems would vibrate so badly along with the mic capsules in their housings to make the playback intolerable/unwatchable/distorted - still have those tapes with no way to watch them, and that's a good thing . . .

  • @Steve_Lee said:
    AK455 - I just applied your suggested snare settings to the mix and it did bring some life to it - more smack, definition.

    Link to new mix -->

    This is sounding pretty good!

  • @Steve_Lee said:

    See! You guys had it so good! You could get stable video of your party jams in your day while none of the affordable camera systems we had could tolerate the SPL of the room because the Hi-8 Video camera's optical systems would vibrate so badly along with the mic capsules in their housings to make the playback intolerable/unwatchable/distorted - still have those tapes with no way to watch them, and that's a good thing . . .

    It was done with a VHS camcorder. We had digital camcorders then but this guy brought his cam from the 80s , lol!

  • Hey, AK455 - drum tuning question - Do you tune your kit in the key of 'D' for Death Metal songs or just tune to whatever sounds good to you?

    I ask because during mixing I find the kit needs a complete redo/retune as the songs change.

  • edited July 4

    @Steve_Lee said:
    Hey, AK455 - drum tuning question - Do you tune your kit in the key of 'D' for Death Metal songs or just tune to whatever sounds good to you?

    I ask because during mixing I find the kit needs a complete redo/retune as the songs change.

    I tune them as low as they will go and still sound good. I tune them to frequency instead of notes. I am sure they correlate to notes but I don't know what those would be, off hand.

    For me it is about how the drums sound together as an instrument. People do it in different ways and they are not wrong. I like my kit to sound right in and of itself. Don't care what the song notes are. If It sounds right, it IS right.
    If I remember correctly, my 18" is tuned to 52 hz, 16" tuned to 64 hz, 13" is tuned to 104 hz, 12" is tuned to 124 hz, 10" 160ish, 8" 208 hz? , 6" 260ish.

    Snare is usually as tight as I can get it which is usually around 260- 280 hz. Bass drum, as low as I can get it. Usually around 50 hz.

  • Ben, did you listen to the track I posted for you? Is it brutal enough for you?

  • edited July 4

    I did comment, not bad, man! Old Grindcore death stuff.

  • edited July 4

    I thought about it some more and I know most pro drummers tune to the song. They usually have a small kit and don't do a lot of fills if any on the toms.
    I tend to be from the school of, more is more. Therefor, I have to tune my drums the way I do. If hitting a tom doesn't sound right, note wise, I will try the one above or below. Usually, I don't have a problem with the way it sounds. It's nice to have 7 toms.
    In peticular, the song Morbidcy that we did in the 80s had a guitar riff that was asending and I played a fill on the toms that had to sound pretty close to those notes. It sounds fine.

  • edited July 4

    At 51 seconds you can hear the backwards roll single strokes. They sound fine with the guitar riff notes. Of course, maybe with music that is less distorted and brutal, there may be a difference but, I think this recording is good and any tonal or note difference may be moot.

  • edited July 4

    I want to add, a big part of the drum sound is how you hit the drums. I don't think a lot of people take that into account.
    If you take somebody like Geddy Lee on the bass, from Rush, everybody tries to get HIS sound. You can't get it unless you hit those strings like he does.

  • edited July 4

    @Wolf said:
    I did comment, not bad, man! Old Grindcore death stuff.

    I missed that some how.
    It is Old School Death Metal. Grind Core is completely different.

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