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Get familiar with the reaction system: Introducing the Reaction System

InDIYana 2024; "Inner Sanctum" theme announcement...

Welcome to the 'Inner Sanctum', the complementing secondary volume for a woofer alignment in a 2way or 3way consisting of 1.5ft^3 gross. Stand mounts preferred, but not required.

No cost limits of any kind, nor xover limits, nor restrictions on what drivers to use. If you have them, use them! Passive xover implementations only, please, for this challenge, but entering the challenge is not required for attendance if more than observing.

Photos or drawings of internal construction must be provided for verification as visual inspection will not likely be possible. Simple large window braces or simple large holes do not conform to the dual chamber specifications. This should be specified as a vent, PR, driver, or air flow restriction between the 2 chambers in the most common definitions.

Basically, the woofer alignment must incorporate a dual chamber arrangement. This allows isobaric, 4th or 6th order bandpass, Augmented PR (noted in the LDC), multichamber aperiodic(MAPD), dual (or more) chamber bass reflex or DCR+, HPAS, or any other dual-chambered or more arrangement. Feel free to do the same with the optional midrange if you wish, but it is not required, nor will it take the place of the required woofer envelopment.

Since multiple woofers can be used, 2 different alignments or one for each woofer can be applied. They do however have to be different alignments if both woofers do not share both chambers. However, using a pair of woofers in the same plane will require it be a 2.5way, no matter either TMM or MTM. Same plane dual woofer 3ways, or 3ways with dual woofers facing externally are not allowed. Dual external woofers are for 2 or 2.5ways alone.

Dual transmission lines are also allowed via a single driver like the Bose cannon, or dual driver while following the above rules.

Stubbed vented alignments, as in 4thtry's Plummer's Delights from the Nano challenge a few years ago are allowed, BUT the stub chamber and port diameter must not be of the same shape or cross-sectional area. This constitutes 2 chambers, and therefore is allowed.

I look forward to your experiments, and the outcome of this challenge.
See you there next year,



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