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Want to say hello....and a question to pose.

Thank you all for letting me join this group.  I  have seen references to a Midwest group, and meetings in Iowa, but just tracked it down today.  I'm in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.  Long time stereo fan.  Lately heavily into reel to reels. I've built a few projects along the way, mostly subwoofers.  My problem is lack of understanding of electronic measurement technique and crossover design.  Have lot and lots of construction experience with a wide variety of processes. I'd like to jump right in and ask your opinion about a project:

I recently stumbled onto an old pair of EV Marquis speakers.  Excellent cabinets, 12" woofer, and the T35 tweeter they used, same as the many of the Klipsch.  The tweeter sounds horrible, in this particular case.  I'd like to upgrade these speakers for my workshop, and have thought of doing some additional bracing, modify a crossover, and possibly add a midrange driver.  I have some JBL 2404 hi frequency bi-radials that should work nicely with the fairly efficient EV woofer.  Any thoughts along these lines? 

Other than this, I'm really interested in building a nice speaker with a couple of 6"-8" drivers, and possibly a ribbon.  Looking at your site today, I saw the sale on the ESS unit. I always liked the sound of those. 

Thank you in advance.  I'm very hopeful that an Iowa event will be held this year, as I'd sure like to hook up with some people to exchange ideas and techniques.


  • I'm in Ames and might be able to help with measurements if you're up for a road trip.

  • Greetings and welcome from another Cedar Rapidian! I would be happy to help in any way - taking measurements and/or crossover design. But I must say, if you can make it to Ames to work with Ron - well, his work is just exceptional.
  • Ron and Tom:  thank you for the offer.  I travel for a living, so getting anywhere within 800 miles is really easy.  I  will be in Ames in about 6 weeks to meet with Iowa State.  For this little reworking project im trying to stay kind of old school with the EV cabinets so they look right in a vintage system.  Its just one of a couple pairs that can be in that bssement workshop.  Im hoping to get opinions from others on using that existing EV 12" woofer, if it is worth messing with.  it seems to be in good shape.  I thought perhaps a pro 6" driver, possibly Faital Pro or Byma, and my JBL 2404s.  I also have a pair of JBL 2344a, but had considered selling them off.  Is this a project you think is worth some effort?
  • Hard to say how the SP12 woofer stacks up against modern woofers. The spec sheet I found didn't give much real info. I stumbled on some DIY Aristocrats with those SP12s years ago at a garage sale. I didn't think they sounded all that great as a system with the stock crossovers modules. But I didn't have the knowledge back then to measure & design a better crossover. I've only heard the JBL 2404 butt-cheeks in pro systems, and never in a venue that would allow what I would call smooth hifi sound, but I do think both drivers could likely be coaxed into a decent speaker with a little work.
  • Tom_S:  The more I read up on this EV woofer, the less likely it seems as a candidate for what I want to achieve.  I really like the new JBL 100 re-issue speaker. They sound very dynamic, and appealing.  Very different from the types of speakers I've owned, and still own.  As for the EV's, I like the cabinet, and original grille cloth quite a bit, and would like my cabinetmaker buddy to restore them for me for my workshop.  It might make sense to start a new thread to get others to take a look at specific drivers, and comment.  I'd also like to meet up with you for coffee sometime, and possibly trade ideas?  Mr. Beans in Marion?

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